Auto-SaveCyle Action Upon Process Stop/Start

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Auto-SaveCyle Action Upon Process Stop/Start

  • Creator
  • #54455
    Scott Caldwell

      I am running Cloverleaf version 6.0.2 on Windows 2008 R2 and have a problem sometimes when I stop and start a process: it acts like it does a save cycle.

      As in it takes all threads and accompanying files (idx, ecd) and renames them to and creates new files.  This isn’t ideal since I have an automated process that runs at midnight to do this.  When I don’t catch it I can lose history.  Anyone else have this happen?

      Doesn’t happen all the time, which is what makes it so frustrating.

      I use the command


      hcienginestop(run) -p processname

      .  I’ll switch back to right clicking the process in the GUI and see if it happens then also.

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    • Author
      • #81555
        Jim Kosloskey

          That should happen every time you cycle a process – has since Cloverleaf 3.1.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #81556
          Tom Rioux


            I don’t believe the .idx, .msg, and .ecd files get switched to .old when you cycle a process…only when you perform a save_cycle from the hcicmd command.   When you cycle a process only the .err and .log files get renamed to a .old.


            We are on 5.8 not 6.0.   I’ve never seen that behavior before.   Maybe Cloverleaf support can provide some answers for you.


            Tom Rioux

          • #81557
            Jim Kosloskey

              Good catch Tom (I need to get new reading glasses) 😯

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #81558
              Jim Kosloskey


                Just curious do your smat file names contain mixed case?

                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #81559
                Steve Williams


                    Does the unexpected “save cycle” happen every time you bounce that process or only some of the time? Does it happen for all processes or just certain ones?

                  If the action is sporadic, I’m wondering if you have “Automatic SMAT Cycling” turned on for that process; it’s action is based on a file limit you set in the Process config dialog for the SMAT files belonging to that process’s threads.

                • #81560
                  Robert Kersemakers

                    Have you changed the encoding perhaps? We have the impression that changing the encoding will cycle save the involved SMAT automatically when restarting the thread/process.

                    Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

                  • #81561
                    Scott Caldwell

                      Ok, here are responses to the questions:

                      1. Yes, some contain mixed case.

                      2. It’s sporadic, how do I see is Auto SMAT cycling is turned on?

                      3. I have only changed encoding on a couple threads during testing, never on a live thread – and this happens to live threads too.

                      We upgraded to 6 about 6-7 months ago, and I don’t recall the old system ever having this issue.  I am starting to monitor a lot closer when restarting threads/processes to see if I can pin it down.  It hasn’t happened in a few weeks, but then again, I haven’t been doing any major configuration lately either.

                      So – about that Auto SMAT cycling?

                    • #81562
                      Steve Williams

                        A screenshots worth a thousand and one words…

                        This is v6.1, but these setting have been around for many, many, versions.

                        I have seen in the past that when the process is very busy, the files can grow far beyond the threshold value before getting cycled. Not sure if this still applies in more current versions.

                        Although I suspect this may not be your problem, it’s something to check just to be sure it’s NOT the problem.

                      • #81563
                        Scott Caldwell

                          Thanks for the screenshot.  

                          No dice, no process has Automatic SMAT Cycling turned on.

                        • #81564
                          Steve Williams


                            So, you have one less possible cause for your issue.  🙂

                            My favorite advise and most hated. Enable All EO on your likely process(es) and be prepared to eat up a lot of disk space.

                            Another thought: If this continues to be a “hard to pin down” problem, then a slight work around might be to change your Site Configuration to include “Enable SMAT History.” This option cause your .old SMAT files to get stored into a SMAT History directory under your exec/processes/ dir  structure.

                            You’ll have to modify your cronjob (or Win2008 Scheduled Task) to work with the modification. However, it should prevent you from losing SMAT data unless you’ve encountered some obscure bug in the software.

                          • #81565
                            Jim Kosloskey


                              The ones you are having issue with are they the only ones with mixed case or are some working ones mixed case and some non-working ones all lower case?

                              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                            • #81566
                              Scott Caldwell


                                To be honest right now I can’t say for sure.  I will certainly keep that in mind and note it next time it happens.   Then I’ll update this thread with what I find.


                              • #81567
                                Alice Kazin

                                  This is a known issue if I am reading your post correctly.

                                  It started in Cloverleaf 5.8.5 where the smat files cycle by themselves.

                                  Look for topic “cloverleaf 6 SMAT files forced OLD rename” from 2013.  It is supposed to be fixed in Cloverleaf 6.1 revision.

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