Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
An example of the args:{DRCODES {123|4567|13456|15889}}
For example, if physician’s code ‘4567’ is in PV1_7, then it should be copied to OBR_16. If none of the physician’s codes in the above example are in PV1_7, then copy the first one that does appear (say ‘13456’ is in PV1_9), then copy it to OBR_16. Any remaining physician’s codes that match the search criteria are found in the result message, should be copied to OBR_28.
# Name: filter_nonphysician
# Purpose:
# UPoC type: tps
# Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:
# MODE run mode (“start”, “run” or “time”)
# MSGID message handle
# ARGS user-supplied arguments:
# Returns: tps disposition list:
# Created 09/25/07 – gm
# Physician list: {DRCODES {123|4567|13456|15889}}
proc filter_nonphysican {args} {
keylget args MODE mode
keylget args ARGS uargs
switch -exact — $mode {
start {
return “”
run {
set drcodes UNKNOWN ;# default value
keylget args MSGID mh
keylget uargs DRCODES drcodes
# init – variables
set pv1_7_1 “”;set pv1_8_1 “”;set pv1_9_1 “”;set pv1_17_1 “”
set obr_16_1 “”
# get message
set msg [split [msgget $mh] r]
# PV1 Seg – extract Dr codes from pv1 – 7.1,8.1,9.1 & 17.1
set pv1_loc [lsearch -regexp $msg {^PV1}]
set pv1_seg [lindex $msg $pv1_loc]
echo $pv1_seg
set pv1_7_1 [lindex [split [lindex [split $pv1_seg |] 7] ^] 0]
set pv1_8_1 [lindex [split [lindex [split $pv1_seg |] 8] ^] 0]
set pv1_9_1 [lindex [split [lindex [split $pv1_seg |] 9] ^] 0]
set pv1_17_1 [lindex [split [lindex [split $pv1_seg |] 17] ^] 0]
set dr_cd_in_msg “${pv1_7_1} ${pv1_8_1} ${pv1_9_1} ${pv1_17_1} “
# OBR seg – extract Dr codes from obr – 16.1
set obr_loc [lsearch -regexp $msg {^OBR}]
set obr_seg [lindex $msg $obr_loc]
set obr_16_1 [lindex [split [lindex [split $obr_seg |] 16] ^] 0]
append dr_cd_in_msg $obr_16_1
# Check if the physician codes are in pv1 7.1,8.1,9.1,17.1 or obr16.1
# If found continue message else kill message
if {[regexp $drcodes $dr_cd_in_msg]} {
echo “Found a Match … continue message”
echo DR_CD_IN_MSG: $dr_cd_in_msg
return “{CONTINUE $mh}”
} else {
echo “Dr code not in message .. message killed”
echo “Dr codes in Message: $dr_cd_in_msg”
echo “Wanted Dr codes : $drcodes”
return “{KILL $mh}”