ascii ebcdic exclamation to vertical bar

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  • Creator
  • #52231
    Jonathan Presnell

      Has any one noticed that an ascii exclamation point coverts to an ebcdic vertical bar (|) when ran through hcitblconvert?

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    • Author
      • #73512
        Troy Morton

          Hi Jonathan,

          I hadn’t noticed that, however, the converstion tables for ASCII and EBCDIC are located in $HCIROOT/tcl/lib/cloverleaf/hciStart.tlib.

          You can modify them (I would suggest making a re-named copy first) to change how characters are converted between ASCII an EBCDIC.

          I have actually modified these tables (made a copy, renamed it and changed the copy) in the past when I was getting unwanted EBCDIC characters from our mainframe that were not converting to valid ASCII values, causing one of our downstream systems to error on the message(s) with the bad characters.

          Hope this helps.

        • #73513
          Keith McLeod

            Not sure if you are using McKesson Series or not, however if you are check your QEBCDIC and QASCII files on Series.  The have aproximately 7 charcters that do not translate correctly.  I have a spreadsheet that I idenitfied them back in 1998.  McKesson said it was not their problem and that no one has called them on it.  I did….

            ASCII to EBCDIC

            4A –> 5B should be 4A –> E3

            4F –> 21 should be 4F –> E2

            5A –> 5D should be 5A –> 21

            5F –> 5E should be 5F –> D8

            B0 –> D8 should be B0 –> 5E

            BA –> E2 should be BA –> 5B

            BB –> E3 should be BB –> 5D

            EBCDIC to ASCII

            21 –> 4F should be 21 –> 5A

            5B –> 4A should be 5B –> BA

            5D –> 5A should be 5D –> BB

            5E –> 5F should be 5E –> B0

            D8 –> B0 should be D8 –> 5F

            E2 –> BA should be E2 –> 4F

            E3 –> BB should be E3 –> 4A

            I am guessing these all came from the same IBM source.  I have not looked at the tables include in Cloverleaf, but did find that these changes on McKesson Series allowed for correct conversion especially when you wanted to use the normal ‘|^~&’ characters in the series configuration.  In the case of Series, we made Qascii2 and Qebcdic2 tables corrected to use for the interfaces in case IBM or McKesson had a reason for the discrepancies.  Hope this helps….You may want to chek the other values listed above….

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