Not sure if you are using McKesson Series or not, however if you are check your QEBCDIC and QASCII files on Series. The have aproximately 7 charcters that do not translate correctly. I have a spreadsheet that I idenitfied them back in 1998. McKesson said it was not their problem and that no one has called them on it. I did….
4A –> 5B should be 4A –> E3
4F –> 21 should be 4F –> E2
5A –> 5D should be 5A –> 21
5F –> 5E should be 5F –> D8
B0 –> D8 should be B0 –> 5E
BA –> E2 should be BA –> 5B
BB –> E3 should be BB –> 5D
21 –> 4F should be 21 –> 5A
5B –> 4A should be 5B –> BA
5D –> 5A should be 5D –> BB
5E –> 5F should be 5E –> B0
D8 –> B0 should be D8 –> 5F
E2 –> BA should be E2 –> 4F
E3 –> BB should be E3 –> 4A
I am guessing these all came from the same IBM source. I have not looked at the tables include in Cloverleaf, but did find that these changes on McKesson Series allowed for correct conversion especially when you wanted to use the normal ‘|^~&’ characters in the series configuration. In the case of Series, we made Qascii2 and Qebcdic2 tables corrected to use for the interfaces in case IBM or McKesson had a reason for the discrepancies. Hope this helps….You may want to chek the other values listed above….