Anyone got a zero fill (left) tcl proc or fragment?

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Anyone got a zero fill (left) tcl proc or fragment?

  • Creator
  • #47795
    Rob Galino

      Aloha all… I need to be able to check PID-3 (MRN) if it’s 6 digits or less, and if less, zero fill to the left to 6 digits.  If MRN is 6 digits or greater, no nothing…  If anyone has some a tcl proc or fragment I can use, it’s appreciated.


      – Rob

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    • Author
      • #56739
        Daniel Lee

          There might be an easier way but here’s what I use:

           set newnum “000000”

           set newnum [append newnum [lindex $xlateInVals 0]]

           set newnum [string range $newnum [expr [string length $newnum] -6] [expr [string length $newnum] – 1]]

           set xlateOutVals [lreplace $xlateOutVals 0 0


        • #56740
          David Caragay

            You might want to check out the format command.  

            hcitcl>set x “123456”

            hcitcl>set x1 ”  3456″

            hcitcl>set x2 “3456”

            hcitcl>set y [format “%06d” $x]

            hcitcl>echo $y


            hcitcl>set y [format “%06d” $x1]

            hcitcl>echo $y


            hcitcl>set y [format “%06d” $x2]

            hcitcl>echo $y


          • #56741
            Dennis Pfeifer

              Just to provide the one liner that will fit in the preproc …

              set xlateOutVals


                This will work fine until your numbers are larger than an integer …


              1. #56742
                Rob Galino

                  Used the following in a Pre Tcl:

                  set xlateOutVals [format “%06s” $xlateInVals]

                  Works like a charm, zero fills when MRN is 6 or less, does nothing if 6 or more…  Used “s” (string) instead of “d” as the “d” would output funky numbers if the MRN was already leading with zeros, see below…

                  hcitcl>set x 0012

                  hcitcl>set y [format “%06d” $x]      

                  hcitcl>echo $y


                  hcitcl>set x 0012

                  hcitcl>set y [format “%06s” $x]

                  hcitcl>echo $y


                • #56743
                  Tom Henderson

                    Just one word of caution about the format statement.  It sees numbers that start with a zero as octal numbers, so if you’re asking it to say, turn 0134 into 000134 it will bomb.  The solution is simple, though:  Just wrap the value with a [string trimleft 0] to first trim all the leading 0’s, if any, before formatting the number with the right number of leading zero’s.

                    For example:

                    set xlateOutVals [format “%06s” [string trimleft $xlateInVals 0]]

                    If you’re sure the values will never have a leading zero, then it’s not necessary.  But if they ever might….

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