Well this will be Peoplesoft/PICIS OR Mgr and we are so early in the project we are not sure exactly.
However, the PICIS specification we received shows a CDM Message Type (which does not exist in HL/7 2.3); CD1, CD2 and CD3 segments that also do not exist in 2.3 (in my opinion should be Z segments in order to meet the standard); and fileds in the Cxx segments that do not exist in 2.3 and there is no Data Type specified.
I know we can make a variant up to do almost anything but there is a way to do this in Hl/7 that follows the standard. Apparently the Picis folks do not know enough or are just too lazy to even tgry to follow the standard.
We will probably have to get all ths ironed out in our spec process but can you tell me (based on your experiences) if we can expect the PICIS folks will have anyone who know anything more than what is in their specification?
We expect to do a real-time HL/7 from Picis to Peoplesoft (the Peoplesoft piece we are not sure yet if this will be real-time but have been told this will be XML) and a Peoplesoft unknown protocol XML to a Picis Real-time HL/7.
It is quite possible the push will be for the Peoplesoft protocol to be file based which we would rather not do.
email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.