Another fileset local question

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  • #48119
    Vidya Baskaran

      I am trying to backload ADT for a new system.  I am running all the saved ADT files from production thru a fileset local thread. I have a directory parse and file deletion script on the inbound TPS. However, I am getting the following error:

      11/01/2005 13:49:06 [fset:wrte:ERR /0:  load_in_adt] [0.0.4205091] NULL/empty OB dir — cannot write

      What I am missing? Any thoughts on what the error means?

      Vidya Baskaran

      Sr. Interface Analyst


      Washington DC

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      • #57702


          Is it possible that a message is being routed to your inbound thread?  If so then the outbound directory must be blank.  If you configure the thread to use a valid directory and file name for output at least you’ll see what message it’s trying to write.

        • #57703
          Rentian Huang

            In addition to the directory parse and file deletion procs, you need to

            1. put a valid path of the file, under:

            fileset-FTP -> Properties… -> Fileset Options -> Outbound -> Directory

            2. put a file name under the File:

            These should be in your OB thread.

            Hope that helps.


          • #57704
            Vidya Baskaran


              I am routing the messages thru an inbound thread that has the fileset-local protocol and the outbound thread is a regular tcp/ip thread connecting to the other side. I don’t have anything on my outbound directory on fileset properties pane.


              I have a valid directory specified on the fileset properties pane. Or else I will get an error message while saving the NetConfig. I am sure that is not an issue.

              Any other thoughts?? Thanks!


            • #57705
              Rentian Huang

                everything looks ok to me. just make sure your IB file style and Trx id are set correctly. change your ob tcpip thread to a file protocol just to see what is going out of the ib.

                another thing to try is increasing your eo noise level and see which step was before the error, and take it from there.

                sam  8)

              • #57706
                Jim Kosloskey


                  Just some thoughts:

                  Make sure the directory you expect to get files from exists before you start the thread.

                  Have you tried to test without the parse/delete procs? If you do not get the error with no procs, then there is a problem with the procs. If you still get the error, then there is something wrong with the configuration of the protocol or with the access to the directory.

                  Jim Kosloskey

                  email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                • #57707


                    Is there a message in the error database?  It would be interesting to know what it is.  I still think that your file set connection is trying to write a message for some reason.  Is it possible that there is a reply procedure in inbound data on the inbound tab of the file set connection?

                  • #57708
                    Vidya Baskaran


                      I looked at the error database and recovery, there is no message with that id. Checked the inboud tab, no reply procedure in there either. I am using the standard tpsDirPArse and tpsFTPArchive on the fileset properties. These tclprocs work with out any errors in out production site.


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