I have a vendor who is looking for a nonstandard value in an HL7 ADT field from our EMR. Specifically, they want us to send “subscriber name if different” in IN1.15 (typically unused, but defined as “Plan Type”). We plan to ask the source EMR to customize the HL7 feed to include this info.
The tricky part is this:
The ADT coming from the EMR is sent to dozens of downstream systems. I want to allow the new IN1.15 value to go to the single system that is requesting it, while removing that value for every other destination, just to be sure we avoid any issues in those systems.
Our overall filtering and formatting methodology is to use TCL procs on raw routes; we never use Xlates or HL7 Variants.
We use a single Static Route with Raw Route Details to each destination system. On each raw route, we will place TCL procs for any customizations the destination system needs.
I know that I can use a simple TCL proc to remove the value for every other downstream system, but I don’t want to have to put that on every single route detail. I’d rather have some kind of process that blocks the value for every destination *except* the one that needs the custom value.
This seems pretty basic, but I can’t figure out how exactly to accomplish it. I’m sure I’m overlooking something simple. (I blame our possibly outdated approach of using TCL combined with raw routes and never even trying to do it any other way. I haven’t done an Xlate since my training in 2012.)
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.