srhs_alert_opening is a script that I developed to generate alerts for 1 or more I.P. Addresses and within the Alert Configurator you set it up like this:
{VALUE pstat} {SOURCE hemocare_ob_hds_r1} {MODE actual} {WITH -1} {COMP {== opening}} {FOR {nmin 5}} {WINDOW {* * 7-16 * * 1-5}} {HOST {}} {ACTION
{{exec {srhs_alert_opening hemocare_ob_hds_r1}}}}
exec tcl “$0” “$@”
set curdatetime [clock seconds]
set curdate [clock format $curdatetime -format %m/%d/%Y]
set curtime [clock format $curdatetime -format %H:%M:%S]
set alertflag n
foreach element $argv {
if {[cequal $alertflag n]} {
set threadname $element
if {[cequal $alertflag y]} {
set alert “exec hciguimsg -error -message “$threadname: $curdate $curtime Clinical Application Interface Down. nnPlease Contact the Integ
ration Analyst On Call.” -title “DEV – Protocol Error” -bell 360 -display $element:0.0 &”
eval $alert
set alertflag y