AIX 6.1 and FTP

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  • Creator
  • #52660
    Elijah Park

      We just upgraded our box from AIX 5.3 to 6.1 and have since experienced issues with several of our FTP scripts (outside of Cloverleaf), specifically when GETing or PUTing a large amount of files (3000+). We are using Tcl 2.4.2 FTP Library Package. Has anyone experienced similar issues, and what have you done to resolve them?

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    • Author
      • #75039
        Jim Kosloskey


          Check your ncargs setting in AIX

          lsattr -El sys0 -a ncargs

          If, when you migrated it was not set to 256 or greater, then it is possible many of your sys0 settings were automatically reset so I would have them all checked.

          The ncargs setting will affect the number of files that can be returned by things like ls (which is used under the covers with an FTP NLST).

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #75040
          Russ Ross


            I recently increased the ncargs arguments for Jim Kosloskey on our AIX 5.3 test box.

            Our ncargs setting under AIX 5.3 was too low for what Jim was working on.

            Jim’s file list has so many files he too casued the command to be too large exceeding the ncargs limit.

            I decided to increase ncargs to the default setting I expect for AIX 6.1 since that is what we will likely go to next.

            Here is what I ran to increase the size of our ncargs

            Russ Ross

          • #75041
            Elijah Park

              Appreciate the help, guys. Our ncargs were already set to 256. However, as it turns out, we were in active mode. Switching to passive did the trick.

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