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OLDER code from sms tclproc outbound stack
….assumed you have retrieved the fields
set DOB_trim [string range $DOB 0 7]
set DOB_yy [string range $DOB_trim 0 3]
set DOB_mm [string range $DOB_trim 4 5]
set DOB_dd [string range $DOB_trim 6 7]
if {$DOB > “”} {
set delim “^”
set birth_ccyy [string range $DOB 0 3]
set birth_mmdd [string range $DOB 4 7]
set current_date [fmtclock [getclock] %Y%m%d]
set current_ccyy [string range $current_date 0 3]
set current_mmdd [string range $current_date 4 7]
set age [expr $current_ccyy – $birth_ccyy]
regsub {^0} $current_mmdd “” edit_current_mmdd
regsub {^0} $birth_mmdd “” edit_birth_mmdd
if {“$edit_birth_mmdd” > “$edit_current_mmdd”} {
set age [expr $age – 1]
### # 2 year old or greater
if {$age > “1”} {
set unit Y
} else {
### either 1 year or less
if {$age < "1"} {
set age “patient age: < 1 yr."
set unit “”
set delim “”
} else {
set age “1”
set unit “Y”
if {[cequal $unit “Y”]} {
set format_age “$age $unit”
} else {
set format_age $age
} else {
set format_age “”
I have used a proc called ‘gc_calculateAge’ which was supplied with CL (could be from way back when with 3.7.1?). It’s in ‘gen_common_procs.tcl’.
Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands
Thanks for the sample code. It got me pointed in the right direction. As it turns out, all I need to do is calculate the patient’s age at admission in years. Here’s the proc I came up with, I need to do some more testing but it seems to work correctly. Thanks again!
# Name: calc_age.tcl
# Purpose: Calculate patient age at time of admission and
# add OBX segment with calculated age in OBX-5
# Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:
# MODE run mode (”start”, “run” or “time”)
# MSGID message handle
# ARGS user-supplied arguments:
proc calc_age { args } {
global HciConnName
keylget args MODE mode ;# Fetch mode argument
keylget args CONTEXT context ;# Fetch context argument (where this proc is being called from)
set dispList {} ;# default dispList to Nothing to return
switch -exact — $mode {
start {
# Perform special init functions
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
run {
keylget args MSGID mh ;# Fetch the MSGID
set msg [msgget $mh] ;# Get the Message Handle
set outbuf {}
# Now we need to determine our field and sub components
set field_sep [csubstr $msg 3 1] ;# HL7 field separator
set sub_sep [csubstr $msg 4 1] ;# HL7 subfield separator
set sub_sub_sep [csubstr $msg 7 1] ;# HL7 sub-subfield separator
set rep_sep [csubstr $msg 5 1]
set outbuf {}
set segmentList [split $msg r]
# Get Date of Birth in PID-7
set pidLoc [lsearch -regexp $segmentList {^PID}]
if {$pidLoc == -1} {error “No PID segment!”}
set pidSeg [lindex $segmentList $pidLoc]
set pidFld [split $pidSeg $field_sep]
set pidFld_7 [lindex $pidFld 7]
if {$pidFld_7 > “”} {
set dob [string range $pidFld_7 0 7]
set dob_ccyy [string range $pidFld_7 0 3]
set dob_mmdd [string range $pidFld_7 4 7]
# Get Admission Date in PV1-44
set pv1Loc [lsearch -regexp $segmentList {^PV1}]
if {$pv1Loc == -1} {error “No PV1 segment!”}
set pv1Seg [lindex $segmentList $pv1Loc]
set pv1Fld [split $pv1Seg $field_sep]
set pv1Fld_44 [lindex $pv1Fld 44]
if {$pv1Fld_44 > “”} {
set admit_date [string range $pv1Fld_44 0 7]
set admit_ccyy [string range $pv1Fld_44 0 3]
set admit_mmdd [string range $pv1Fld_44 4 7]
# Calculate age at admission in years
set age [expr $admit_ccyy – $dob_ccyy]
if {”$dob_mmdd” > “$admit_mmdd”} {
set age [expr $age – 1]
if {$age < "0"} {
set age "0"
set unit "YEARS"
foreach segment $segmentList {
if [cequal $segment ""] { continue }
append outbuf ${segment}r
set eventtype [csubstr $segment 0 3]
if {[cequal $eventtype "PV2"]} {
# Add OBX segment with age at admission
set addOBX "OBX|1|TX|||$age|$unit"
append outbuf ${addOBX}r
msgset $mh $outbuf
lappend dispList "CONTINUE $mh"
return $dispList
time {
# Timer-based processing
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
shutdown {
# Doing some clean-up work
default {
error "Unknown mode '$mode' in calc_age.tcl"
I am just using the below. The output ends up being a decimal value, but I am just comparing the value to > or < 18.
# The following function calculates the age in years
proc Compute_Years {} {
upvar xlateId xlateId
xlateInList xlateInList
xlateInTypes xlateInTypes
xlateInVals xlateInVals
xlateOutList xlateOutList
xlateOutTypes xlateOutTypes
xlateOutVals xlateOutVals
set inval [lindex $xlateInVals 0]
set date1 [clock scan $inval]
set date2 [clock seconds]
set elapsedDays [expr {($date2 – $date1) / (60 * 60 * 24)}]
set elapsedYears [expr {$elapsedDays / 365.25}]
set xlateOutVals $elapsedYears