Thank you for this valuable resource!
GOAL:I am creating an interface that will write a medical record number and the ADT message to a sqlite DB. It consist of a server thread that sends outbound to the database outbound thread and a tcl script that extracts the medical record number.
PROBLEM: A new row is written to the database as ” | “. Meaning, no column data is written.
Any insight as to why the data from the tcl script is not being set to the DB
and blank rows are being populated in the database.
– The inbound is a server thread that sends the ADT message to the sqlite outbound thread.
– The inbound thread has a tcl script that extracts the medical record number.
– The same tcl script performs a:
— msgset $mh “$medical_record_number|$entire_msg\r”
— lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”
— return $dispList
– Script Testing shows the variables contain information at the msgset point.
The Database Outbound Protocol Properties has a Content sql statement as:
INSERT INTO Table_ADT(mrn,full_msg) Values (<mrn>,<full_msg>)