Adding OBX segments – I need to add obx segments at to

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  • Creator
  • #52281
    Phillip Gatte


    Can anyone tell me how I would add an OBX segment at the beginning of the OBX segments using tcl?  


    Phillip Gatte

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  • Author
    • #73677
      Jim Kosloskey


      I see you are specifying using Tcl.

      Is that Tcl in a TPS or inside an Xlate?

      If this is to be inside an Xlate I don’t think you will need any Tcl.

      How that is accomplished inside an Xlate without Tcl is dependent on the situation.

      Can you give us more details?

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #73678
      Phillip Gatte

      Its in a tps

    • #73679
      Levy Lazarre


      As Jim mentioned, it’s usually easier to perform this kind of task within an Xlate and no Tcl is required.

      However, if your situation requires you to do it within a TPS, here is a sample proc that can get you started. Please modify it according to your needs.


      # Name: tpsAddOBX
      # Purpose: Add an additional OBX segment at the beginning
      #                    of an OBX group.
      #                    For this exercise, it is assumed that all OBX
      #                    segments come as part of a single OBX group in
      #                    the inbound message.
      #                    The new OBX segment is added to become the first
      #                    OBX, so all the original OBX segments must be moved
      #                    down one position in the message.
      # UPoC type: tps
      #                    Use in inbound TPS (pre Xlate)
      # Args:           tps keyedlist containing the following keys:
      #                 MODE    run mode (”start”, “run” or “time”)
      #                 MSGID   message handle
      #                 ARGS    user-supplied arguments: None for this script
      # Returns: tps disposition list:
      #          CONTINUE -We always continue the message.
      # Date:

      proc tpsAddOBX { args } {
         global HciConnName
         if ![info exists HciConnName] { set HciConnName UNKNOWN }
         # A good way to generically get the name of the procedure
         # (to be used for error messages, debug, etc.)
         set module “$HciConnName/[lindex [info level 1] 0]”
         keylget args MODE mode
         keylget args CONTEXT context
         switch -exact — $mode {
             start {
                 # Perform special init functions
                 # N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
             run {
                 keylget args MSGID mh ;# Get message handle
                 set msg [msgget $mh] ;# Get message
                 # Get the field, sub-field, and repetition separators
                 set fldSep [string index $msg 3]
                 set subSep [string index $msg 4]
                 set repSep [string index $msg 5]
                 # Get a list of HL7 segments by splitting the message on CR
                 set segList [split $msg r]
                 set newsegList {}    ;# Buffer to hold the new outbound message
                 # To make room for the additional OBX segment, we need to shift
                 # down one position all the existing OBX segments. To achieve this,
                 # we must increment by 1 the sequence number in OBX.1
                 # LOOP through the message and modify each OBX segment.
                 # We add the modified OBX segments and any other segment
                 # to our new message
                 foreach seg $segList {
                     if [string equal $seg “”] { continue }    ;# Skip any empty segment
                     set segname [string range $seg 0 2]      ;# segment name
                     if {[string equal $segname OBX]} {
                         # Break the segment in a list of fields
                         set OBXflds [split $seg $fldSep]
                         # This should never happen, but we make sure the list has
                         # at least 1 element by appending empty elements until
                         # it does.
                         while {[llength $OBXflds] < 1} { lappend OBXflds {} }
                         # Get field 1 (sequence number).  Note that even though the command is
                         # 0-based we still refer to the field as field 1 since the "OBX"
                         # header itself is field 0
                         set OBX1 [lindex $OBXflds 1]
                         # echo "OBX.1 is $OBX1"
                         # Increment the value only if it's numeric
                         if {[regexp ^\d+$ $OBX1]} { set OBX1 [incr OBX1]}
                         # Put the updated value back in OBX.1
                         set OBXflds [lreplace $OBXflds 1 1 $OBX1]
                         # Put the OBX segment back together
                         set seg [join $OBXflds $fldSep]
                         # echo "Modified OBX segment: $seg"
                     } ;# end if statement
                     # Add the segments to the new message
                     lappend newsegList $seg
                 } ;# end foreach loop
                 # Now we build our additional OBX segment according to the
                 # specifications given to us.
                 # a) make sure that the sequence number in OBX.1 is 1.
                 # b) make sure that the data type in OBX.2 is the appropriate one
                 #    (FT, ST, TX, NM …). Probably the same as the other OBX segments.
                 # c) make sure that the result status in OBX.11 is the same as
                 #    in the other OBX segments (P, F …)
                 # d) fill in values for OBX.3 and OBX.5 as desired
                 set newOBX "OBX|1|ST|||YOUR VALUE HERE||||||F"
                 # Search for the location of the first OBX segment in the list,
                 # so that we can insert the new one right above it.
                 # The lsearch command will return the location of the first match
                 # only in Tcl versions prior to 8.5. Tcl 8.5 and above will return
                 # a list of all locations. It's safer to specifically pick the first
                 # location by using 'lindex … 0'
                 set OBXloc [lindex [lsearch -regexp $newsegList {^OBX}] 0]
                 # Insert our new OBX segment at the correct position
                 set newsegList [linsert $newsegList $OBXloc $newOBX]
                 # Join the segments back into a message with segments
                 # separated by CR
                 set msg [join $newsegList r]
                 # Put modified message in message handle and CONTINUE
                 msgset $mh $msg
                 return "{CONTINUE $mh}"
             shutdown {
                 # Doing some clean-up work
             default {
                 error "Unknown mode '$mode' in $module"

      I hope this helps.

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