As is now it adds the NTE after the OBR but all the OBX.15 info is the same so all NTEs are the same.
# Name: perform_site_nte
# Purpose: This procedure creates a new NTE segment for the message and adds
# performing site.
# UPoC type: tps
# Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:
# MODE run mode (”start”, “run” or “time”)
# MSGID message handle
# ARGS user-supplied arguments:
# Returns: tps disposition list:
proc perform_site_nte { args } {
global HciConnName
keylget args MODE mode ;# Fetch mode
set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return
set OBRFlag “NO”
set nte “”
set table “poi_performing_site_oru.tbl”
switch -exact — $mode {
start {
# Perform special init functions
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
run {
# ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
keylget args MSGID mh
set msg [msgget $mh]
set fieldsep [crange $msg 3 3]
set subsep [crange $msg 4 4]
set segments [split $msg r]
set newmh “”
# Roll through all segments of the message
foreach seg $segments {
set segtype [crange $seg 0 2]
# Pull the fields used to build the header from the appropriate
# segments.
switch -exact — $segtype {
set fieldlist [split $seg |]
set msh_4 [lindex $fieldlist 3]
# echo msh_4: $msh_4
set nte [tbllookup $table $msh_4]
# echo nte: $nte
set OBRFlag “YES”
append newmh $seg r
set fieldlist [split $seg |]
set newnte [join [list NTE 1 {} $nte] |]
append newmh $newnte r
set fieldlist [split $seg |]
set obx_15_0 [lindex [split [lindex $fieldlist 15] $subsep] 0]
#echo obx_15_0: $obx_15_0
set nte [tbllookup $table $obx_15_0]
#echo nte: $nte
default {}
if {[cequal $OBRFlag “YES”]} {
set OBRFlag “NO”
} else {
append newmh $seg r
#regsub command looks for 2 carriage returns at the end of the message and
#replaces it with one.
#regsub -all {x0dx0d} $newmh x0d newmh
msgset $mh $newmh
lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”
time {
# Timer-based processing
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
shutdown {
# Doing some clean-up work
return $dispList