adding multiple OBX segments

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  • #53798
    Kevin Crist

    I have been asked to search through all the OBX fields and look for the word “dense” and if this is found i have to add a paragraph at the end of the report in the OBX.5. So, how do i search all OBX.5 fields for one word and then add more segments to the end of it? I am wanting to use tcl because this has to be done for many systems and would rather do it once than redo many xlates. Any ideas are appreciated.


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  • Author
    • #78964
      Jim Kosloskey


      If you want to do this for many systems, then one way using just Xlate and not repeating the code in each Xlate is to insert a set of threads between the inbound system and the outbound systems that does nothing more than make that single modification (in an Xlate). Then route that resultant mesage to the Xlates that build the receiving system’s message – the work on the OBX will already be done.

      If you are 5.8 or beyond I think it may be possible to stack that Xlate in each of the routes thus pre-processing the OBX in preparation for the specific work needed for the receiving systems.

      Just another thought.

      As to how that is done if your question is related to how to do this in an Xlate then that would depend on if you have to search each field in a single OBX or if there are multiple OBX segments in the inbound and whether the paragraph to be added needs to be appended to the OBX-5 field of a given segment or as a separate segment, etc.. More detail would be needed to describe how to do this in an Xlate.

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #78965
      Kevin Crist

      Thanks for the reply Jim. This was something that was in our vendor upgrade specs because of a law that went into effect but as it turns out they admitted they cant do it. I thought about adding another thread as you suggested but this is a setup we had for years and i was just trying to avoid. I have to search the body of the report, all OBX.5 fields for the word dense and if i find that then i have to append a certain paragraph at the end of the radiologists report in the OBX fields.

    • #78966
      Jim Kosloskey


      Are you on 5.8?If so consider stacking Xlates. You would only create one Xlate then stack it in each appropriate route ahead of the Xlate which will do the specific work for the receiving system.

      Certainly you can do what you want in Tcl if that is the way you want to go.

      email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

    • #78967
      Kevin Crist

      we are using 5.4.1 .

    • #78968
      Harpreet Khakh

      Insert this proc in PRE Procs in Xlate route. This will change all OBX segments withing the message before sending it to any other xlate.

      proc editObxSegments { args } {

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