Makes perfect sense. I was able to make many modifications to make my test scenarios work with that piece of knowledge. I look at this as a hard coding success. Thank you.
I am now engaging something a little more complex. I can make leaps with one good example. I’ve been poking around with it without much success.
Using a %G1 with a 4(0).0 basis… I wanted to leverage the iterate counter using a a series of segments into becoming ascending set ids.
pre proc is
set invalue [lindex $xlateInVals 0]
set itervar [lindex $xlateInVals 1]
incr itervar
set xlateOutVals
Running through it in my head and in practice tells me it should probably be a %S interation on BOLD text below because that is the variable.
4(0).0(0).OBR(2).#1(0).[0].[0] : >1<
Help with putting this together once will help me understand how it all comes together. I think I have the right ideas, but just don’t know how to put it together here. My next scenario is the same thing using the math functions.