835 X12 Formats

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf 835 X12 Formats


  • Creator
  • #121745
    Brenda Carpenter

      Maybe someone can advise if they have been productive in being able to process multiple ISA-IEA transactions in one file for the 835 HIPAA 5010A1 standard?  I have created a variant in X12 configurator and modified the 835 transaction to include the header and trailer records, ISA, GS, GE and IEA, and made the whole thing repeatable, but it is just not able to process the file.  Our 835 files contain multiple transactions mostly, but starting out slow, I tried even just one ISA-IEA on the input file and it still won’t process.

      So, what I have been able to get to work, I have been able to take one file with one transaction on it, ISA-IEA, remove the header records in a tclproc, ISA, GS, GE and IEA, and then process the ST thru SE segments successfully.   Once I try to run with the headers, it doesn’t recognize the ST segment… and nothing processes.  The test tool is less than helpful using X12 data.

      Any insight would be extremely helpful, thank  you!

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    • Author
      • #121746
        Jim Kosloskey


          There is a Cloverleaf provided Tcl proc called hcix12splitinterchange that removes the envelope (ISA and potentially GS) and splits the messages on GS or ST depending on the argument provided. That envelope data is then placed in each of the split message’s metadata USERDATA Field.

          The splitinterhange proc would go in the IB Tps UPoC. Then, if an X12 message is being output, there is an hcix12buildinterchange proc that puts the envelope around each OB messages and that goes in the OB TPS UPoC.

          If OB messages need to be batched, then there are a couple of procs for x12 batching and unbatching.

          IN your variant, you would not specify the envelope. You would specify the GS if indeed each message is structured that way but I suspect there is one GS per file with multiple ST segments inside.

          If you still have questions, email me and I will assist off-line.

          email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #121747
          Brenda Carpenter

            Thanks Jim,

            I tried that tclproc a little bit, a couple different ways with and without my cleanup tclproc and it just gave me error, no data ; I will try some more next year (Thursday 🙂  and if I can’t get it working somewhat, I will reach out to you.  I was keeping it simple and taking in just one ISA-IEA file first to see if that would process with my xlate that doesn’t contain the hdr recs in the variant. I am just reading in the files, picking out some data to send to a database.

            State 201 Disp Error process in IB data TPS
          • #121749
            Jim Kosloskey


              Yeah, I will need to know more as you should not get a disposition error. What release of Cloverleaf? I know when I used that proc on 6.0 it had issues, so I wrote my own. But I think those issues have been resolved in later releases. If I have some time today and tomorrow, I will try to setup an example on 2209 to see if I get an issue with that proc.

              Feel free to reach out to me whenever you feel the need.

              email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #121751
              Jim Kosloskey


                I did a quick test on Cloverleaf 2209 and the proc is indeed removing the envelope leaving the ST and following segments to the SE as expected.

                My file is quite simple:

                • ISA
                • ST
                • B11
                • SE
                • IEA

                ISA*00* *00* *ZZ* *XX* *080215*1614*U*00401*000000012*0*T*\~GS*HI*MDACC*UHC*20080215*1614*000000004*X*004010X0941A~ST*213*cn123~B11*iq*id code*123120*oz*2*US*5.00*C*Junk Charge~SE*3*cn123~GE*1*000000004~IEA*1*000000012~

                Note there are no CR or NL until the end of message. Some systems try to make the X12 readable and add CR and/or NL where they do not belong which is OK for humanoids, nit so much for computer systems. If you have that situation, you may need to do some preprocessing to clean that up – although I would complain to the source to provide a proper file.

                So, I am not sure what your issue might be but am willing to brainstorm with you.

                email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #121755
                Brenda Carpenter

                  Thanks Jim!!!  It works now, Happy New Year!  And yes, these payers are sending the data segmented and I have a pre-proc to remove the CRLF statements and that needed another tweak, so along with that change and adding this hciproc, we are in business.

                  You’re the best! Thanks again!


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