We had an alert set up on 5.5 that isn’t working on 5.7. The alert is for specific threads when the error count changes by 1 or more. The alert execs a script that e-mails the error contents to an analyst, then it deletes the messages from the error database. The problem is that the alert only fires one time. If new errors come in, the alert doesn’t get fired. Any ideas?
{ VALUE errs }
{ SOURCE {chartmaxx_adt_out } }
{ MODE delta }
{ WITH -2 }
{ COMP {>= 1} }
{ FOR once }
{ WINDOW {* * * * * *} }
{ exec {/quovadx/qdx5.7/integrator/scripts/errordb_alert.sh live2 “%A” somebody@valleymed.org “%F”} }
} }