5.6 install on Linux – the environment file

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf 5.6 install on Linux – the environment file

  • Creator
  • #50066
    Kevin Scantlan

      We have installed CL 5.6 with Linux Redhat 5.0.  When trying to run a cron job, the script cannot find CL_INSTALL_DIR  .  I know with 5.6, it’s replacing QUOVADX_INSTALL_DIR.  Should the CL_INSTALL_DIR and FPATH be in the /etc/environment file like it is in AIX?  Should the install script have put it there?  Our does not have that there.  In fact, the file exists but is empty.

      My guess is that I need to add both the CL_INSTALL_DIR and FPATH to that file and reboot the machine for it to take effect.  I checked the documentation, but did not find any reference to that.  Any help would be appreciated.


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    • Author
      • #64735
        Robert Kersemakers

          Hi Kevin,

          How about executing the cron job under user ‘hci’? This way all settings should be correct.

          So start your cron job with ‘su – hci’ or something similar for Linux.

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

        • #64736
          Dirk Engels

            When you execute a command in cron on Linux the environment file .cshrc or .profile will not be used. So the environment variables are not set.

            To execute the environment file use bash –login prior to your command. Then the .profile will be executed and your environment should be set.

            Greetings from germany,


          • #64737
            Russ Ross

              I have installed QDX 5.6 on AIX 5.3 and here are the lines that the install script added to my /etc/environment file



              I did not have to reboot the server for them to take effect.

              FYI – The install script needs to be run as root to have the necessary privilege to change files like /etc/environment.

              Russ Ross

            • #64738
              Tom Patton

                I’m going to hijack this thread a little….

                I’m having the same issue w/AIX and the 5.6 install.

                When I run my cron jobs (under hci) I don’t have the QUOVADX_INSTALL_DIR environment variable set.

                I’ve tried adding the export in /hci/quovadx/qdx5.6/integrator/productinfo/defaults and in the .profile but neither of these work for me from my cron jobs.

                I’m using a couple of techniques in the cron scripts e.g.:

                exec $QUOVADX_INSTALL_DIR/integrator/bin/hcitcl “$0″ ${1+”$@”}


                eval `/hci/quovadx/qdx5.3/integrator/sbin/hcisetenv -root ksh $2 $site`

                that give me the following error:

                QUOVADX_INSTALL_DIR is not set. Exit.

                My question is way are your thoughts on the best way to correct this?

                Should I change the code to point to CL_INSTALL_DIR or use another technique to set QUOVADX_INSTALL_DIR?

                Thanks for any thoughts.

              • #64739

                I wold change to CL_INSTALL_DIR.

                -- Max Drown (Infor)

              • #64740
                Kevin Kinnell

                  Is the default sh in AIX ksh?  IIRC there is a way to start ksh as a login without

                  being interactive.  In a GNU/Linux system you’d run bash with the -l to do it, but

                  I can’t remember what (or if) it might be in ksh.

                  Of course, if I’d just scanned up a little I might have avoided this redundant post.

                  –kevin ( props 2 MH, heh) kinnell

                • #64741
                  Kevin Scantlan

                    I placed both the CL_INSTALL_DIR and FPATH variables in the /etc/environment  file, rebooted the machine, created a script just to echo them out, and placed them in cron.  When it runs, it does not have any value for those variables.  Who else runs Linux and what have you done to get cron to recognize (other than having the script have to log into an account).

                  • #64742

                    For cron jobs, I set up the environment like this:



                    export PATH

                    And then in I run the scripts in cron like this:


                    05 06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,22 * * * . ~/.profile.cron;/hci/bin/monitor/edb_check.tcl sitebn
                    05 06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,22 * * * . ~/.profile.cron;/hci/bin/monitor/edb_check.tcl sitebno

                    Here’s a portion of the script that demonstrates how to setup the environment in a tcl script:



                    global HciRoot

                    set debug 0

                    if { $argc != 1 } {
                       puts “Usage: $argv0 siteName”

                    set hostName [exec hostname]
                    if {$debug} {puts “hostName: $hostName”}
                    set hciSite [lindex $argv 0]
                    set date [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d]

                    # Set up the environment for Cloverleaf commands
                    eval [exec $HciRoot/sbin/hcisetenv -root tcl $HciRoot $hciSite]
                    set hciDir $HciRoot/$hciSite/scripts/errors

                    # Get the number of lines in the error database. Ignore the header and footer (8 lines).
                    catch { exec hcidbdump -e | wc -l } lines
                    set lines [expr $lines – 8]
                    if {$debug} {puts “lines: $lines”}

                    -- Max Drown (Infor)

                  • #64743
                    Kevin Kinnell

                      We have set up the variables in the hci crontab before we run any

                      jobs (5.3 on RHE).  Here’s an example crontab -l:



                      59 23 * * * /path_to/some_command.tcl

                      Ugly, but it works until you figure out a better way.  You can add extra environment

                      vars to control what cron does too; in case you want to change the default

                      MAILTO for error reports, or whatever else.

                      This cron FAQ post at unix.com has some good cron pointers.

                    • #64744

                      Kevin, I did not know you can do that! That’s VERY good to know.

                      -- Max Drown (Infor)

                    • #64745
                      Yves Guerin


                        man 5 crontab will explain everything and the variables setting 🙂

                      • #64746
                        Kevin Kinnell


                          It only works with the crons on Linux AFAIK (unfortunately.)  I think it was

                          how Vixie-cron worked, and Anacron et al just copied the behavior because

                          Vixie was what everyone was used to.

                        • #64747
                          Dirk Engels

                            Hi folks,

                            as I wrote before, cron doesn’t read the environment file (or .profile, .bashrc) by default.

                            To easily use the standard environment file you’ll have to use the shell command before executing the command:

                            Linux:   bash –login

                            HP:       ksh -m or -l

                            Sun:     tcsh -m

                            That let cron read the environment file first before executing the command. I’ve done this on serveral Linux systems and my cron jobs then work normally.


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