I did not call support. I did, however do the following during a scheduled downtime:
** note the hcidbinit -AC will effectively remove all of the messages from both recovery and error databases. In our case, for this site, this was ok… **
* Stop all processes
* Stop all site daemons (hcisitectl -f -K)
* Remove the monitorshmemfile (rm $HCISITEDIR/exec/monitorShmemfile)
* Cleanup memory region (hcimsiutil -R)
* Remove vista.taf (rm $HCISITEDIR/exec/databases/vista.taf)
* Cleanup site (hcisitecleanup)
* Initialise database (hcidbinit -AC)
* If necessary (when having DB_vista error), rebuild logs:
– keybuild rlog
– dchain rlog
– keybuild elog
– dchain elog
* Start site daemons (hcisitectl -S)
* Start all processes
After this we have had no more problems. We had a disk run out of space prior to this error showing up and that could have been the initial cause.