We’re upgrading QDX from 5.2 to 5.4.1 on HP UX. One change noticed is to fields like PV1-7, PV1-17 etc.
For example: HIS sends:
123;SMITH;JOHN;;;;MD;;;;;PRI&;123 MAIN STREET;;RICHMOND HILL;ON&ONTARIO;A1A1A1;(905)-222-333;(905)-111-2222;N;;&;&;20070709
In 5.2, engine convert it to: 123^SMITH^JOHN^^^^MD^^^^^PRI^123 MAIN STREET^^RICHMOND HILL^ON^ONTARIO^A1A1A1
However, in 5.4.1, it has been converted to: 123^SMITH^JOHN^^^^MD^^^^^PRI^^
The sub component seperator & is converted to component seperator ^
All the xlate, tcl, Hl7 format are unchanged.
Anyone got any idea?