2.5.1 routing

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf 2.5.1 routing


  • Creator
  • #118417
    DS Hunt

      I have attempted multiple ways to craft the wildcard route for a HL7.2.5.1 Syndromic Surveillance message to no avail.  Using these routing rules below, no output is created when messages are run through Testing Tool for route testing.

      MSH-9 = ADT^A03^ADT_A03

      Wildcard TrxIDs tried:




      MSH-9 for the non-ADT_A03 events: ADT^A08^ADT_A01, ADT^A04^ADT_A01, ADT^A01^ADT_A01

      I need a separate route for these events since there’s a different xlate separate from the A03.

      For these, I tried: ADT_A(01|04|08).*

      How should these 2 routes be structured for successful routing?

      Thanks in advance for the help.

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    • Author
      • #118418
        James Cobane

          Double check that you have the ‘Wild Card Route’ option checked, and also that your TrxID Determination Format on the ‘Inbound tab’ is HL7.  I believe the ADT_A03.* should route if those options are set.

          Jim Cobane – Henry Ford Health System

        • #118419
          DS Hunt

            Thanks, Jim.  It was the the IB tab Trx ID Determination format was incorrectly set to frl instead of HL7.

            That’s the problem when you inherit others work 🙂

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