[0:TEST] Unable to find IDENT database record

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  • Creator
  • #48446
    Jacques B


    I was inserting a lot of big messages.  And it stopped.  I tried stopping the deamons and clear it with hcilmclear -p.   And hcisitecleanup and finally with : hcidbinit -A

    Now I have this, any idea?

    [prod:prod:INFO/0:  STARTUP_TID] Copyright 1993-2003, Quovadx Inc.

    [prod:prod:INFO/0:  STARTUP_TID] QDX(TM) Integration Services 5.3P Rev3

    [prod:prod:INFO/0:  STARTUP_TID] Linked by root on perch2 at Fri Mar  4 19:14:46 2005 in /tmp/work/jerickso/cloverrel/cloverleaf/engine/main (build 1)

    [prod:prod:INFO/0:  STARTUP_TID] Started at Mon Apr  3 20:12:29 2006

    [prod:prod:INFO/0:  STARTUP_TID] Engine process is 458990 on host ch06chum10139

    04/03/2006 20:12:29

    [dbi :dbi :ERR /0:site_radimage_cmd] Unable to find IDENT database record

    04/03/2006 20:12:29

    [cmd :cmd :ERR /0:site_radimage_cmd] Initialization of DBI failed

    04/03/2006 20:12:29

    [prod:prod:ERR /0:site_radimage_cmd] Unable to initialize the Command Thread.

    PANIC: “0”

    PANIC: Calling “pti” for thread site_radimage_cmd

    Scheduler State

    Thread Events     State      Priority Runnable  PT Msgs

      0      0   SCHED_IDLE         0       0       0,0,0

    Thread 0

    ti: 0x20a61378

       tid           :    0

       HostPthreadId : 0x1

       EventList     : 0x20a614b8

       PolledEvents  : 0x20a614d8

       PthreadEvent  : 0x20a61648

       ReadyEvents   : 0x20a614f8

       CtrlMsgs      : 0x20a61518

       UserCtrlMsgs  : 0x20a61538

       UserDataMsgs  : 0x20a61558

       StartArgs     : 0x0

       SchedState    : SCHED_IDLE

       SchedPriority : 0

       Killed        : 0

    Registered Events

    el: 0x20a614b8

       elCount : 1

       elHead: 0x20a61688

       elTail: 0x20a61688

    ele: 0x20a61688

       event: 0x20a61648

       prev : 0x0

       next : 0x0

    ev: 0x20a61648

        evType     : PTHREADS

        evStrDesc    :

        evSocket     : 0

        evMsgQue     : 0

        evTid        : 0

        evState      : 0

        evPtMsg      : 0x0

        evUserData   : 0x0

        evCallBack   : 0x0

        evCbShutdown : 0x0

        evRecurFreq  :

    Polled Events

    el: 0x20a614d8

       elCount : 0

       elHead: 0x0

       elTail: 0x0

    Ready Events

    el: 0x20a614f8

       elCount : 0

       elHead: 0x0

       elTail: 0x0

    Outstanding Pthread Ctrl Msgs

    pmq: 0x20a61518

    Count   : 0

    Head    : 0x0

    Tail    : 0x0

    Outstanding Pthread User Ctrl Msgs

    pmq: 0x20a61538

    Count   : 0

    Head    : 0x0

    Tail    : 0x0

    Outstanding Pthread User Data Msgs

    pmq: 0x20a61558

    Count   : 0

    Head    : 0x0

    Tail    : 0x0

    PANIC: Process panic—engine going down

    PANIC: assertion ‘0’ failed at main.cpp/236

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  • Author
    • #58657
      Jacques B


      Except if somebody had a great idea, now (since we are only in pre-prod) I just want de initialize the db.

      Any idea?


      Command Issued: hcidbinit -A -C


      Raima Database Manager 4.5 [Build 1] RDM UNIX

      Database Initialization Utility

      Copyright (C) 1984-1996, Raima Corporation, All Rights Reserved

      Won’t overwrite local “vista.taf” file

      Unable to open database ‘rlog’

      hcidbsetvers failed:

      This is an extremely destructive operation!

      Are you sure? [n] dbd /opt/qdx5.3/integrator/site_radimage_p/exec/databases, dbf /opt/qdx5.3/integrator/site_radimage_p/exec/databases

      rlog initialized

    • #58658
      Jacques B

      How to rebuild the error and recovery database:

      Site Cleanup with rebuild procedures

      1.   Type showroot to make sure root and site are set correctly

      2.   Stop all processes – hcienginestop -p (for all processes)

      3.   Run hciprocstatus (to verify all engines are down)

      4.   Stop Daemons – hcisitectl -K

      5.   Run hcisitectl (to make sure lock manager and monitor daemon are down)

      6.   Clear shared memory region – hcimsiutil -R

      7.   Change to the database directory – /hci/root3.7.XP//exec/databases

      8.   Remove vista.taf file – rm vista.taf

      9.   Change directory to exec directory – cd ..

      10.  Remove the monitorShmemFile – rm monitorShmemFile

      11.  Reinitialize the ICL Database – hcidbinit

    • #58659
      Jacques B

      Allways stuck with the same problem…  I maybe found the cause of the problem, my process to outbound was waiting for ACK but there was no route replies defined.   That’s corrected.  I’ll attach my netconfig.

      I tried another receipe:

      Site Cleanup with rebuild procedures

      1.   Type showroot to make sure root and site are set correctly

      2.   Stop all processes – hcienginestop -p (for all processes)

      3.   Run hciprocstatus (to verify all engines are down)

      4.   Stop Daemons – hcisitectl -K

      5.   Run hcisitectl (to make sure lock manager and monitor daemon are down)

      6.   Clear shared memory region – hcimsiutil -R

      7.   Change to the database directory – /hci/root3.7.XP//exec/databases

      8.   Remove vista.taf file – rm vista.taf

      9.   Change directory to exec directory – cd ..

      10.  Remove the monitorShmemFile – rm monitorShmemFile

      11.  Reinitialize the ICL Database – hcidbinit

    • #58660


      Looks like it’s time for the nuclear option.  There is a fresh empty database in siteProto.  So you could delete the databases directory in your offending site and copy the databases directory from site proto to you site.  Make sure that no processes are running 😉

      The siteProto directory is the site template that’s used when you create a new site.


    • #58661
      Mike Wilson

      I just had to do the SiteProto copy to get this back running yesterday.  I had all the problems that are in this thread.  Couldnt get it fixed. Seems ok so far, been working since 8pm last night.  I hope it doesnt happen again.  This sucked!

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