Re: solution to unable to connect to process problem

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf connect to process error Re: solution to unable to connect to process problem

Kevin Scantlan

    We came upon the solution while dealing with something we though unrelated.  Here’s the deal:

    the hcicmd command has a “-h” parameter, which we never use, for the host.  If left off,  it defaults to LOCALHOST.  We have LOCALHOST set up in our hosts file pointing to as we should.   However, our sys admin tells us that AIX by default first looks at the DNS to resolve names, then looks at the hosts file.  This has not been a problem until someone in the network added a DNS entry that had (xxx.yyy being our domain), so we were trying to connect to that IP to send the hcicmd to.

    Our solution has been to have AIX first look at the hosts file, then the DNS for name resolution.  Our sys admin is looking into that.  Hopefully it will not require a reboot of the server.