Re: On-call compensation

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf General On-Call Compensation? Re: On-call compensation

Rich Durkee

    Two of our three Interface Programmers participate in on-call. I do not. They receive $3.00/hour. They do not get on-call pay from midnight to 4:00am. Operations is not supposed to call between these hours, but of course they ocassionally do. I suppose Management was trying to cut back on on-call pay, so they implemented the midnight-4:00am policy. To summarize on-call is paid for Mon-Fri from 4:00am – 7:00am and 5:00pm – midnight (10 hours per day) Sat-Sun – from 4:00am – midnight (20 hours per day).

    Personally it is not worth the $3.00/hour to me to have to be bothered at any time of the day or night, so I don’t participate.
