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# int_eng_stat.tcl – 20041019 – Terry Kellum
# Test program for evaluating the SCC rcv.trace file
# for “total interface throughput” evaluation.
# Code identifies the time of receipt of HL7 transactions
# in SCC and compares this time with the MSH[7] timestamp
# to gather statistics on message processing thruput.
# Goals for this script are to print a daily report of statistics
# and to save this data into a monthly statistics file. This file
# will then be evaluated on the second day of the month to print out
# a monthly summary which can be filed, while the dailies can be discarded.
# The statistics file would then be zeroed and the process started again.
# Initialization
# User Defines
set debug 0
set yesterday [clock format [expr [clock seconds] – 86400] -format %Y%m%d]
set rcvfile “/u/db/dat/I/HIS/RES$yesterday/rcv.trace”
set statfile “/usr/local/int_eng.stat”
set tempdailyfile “/usr/local/daily.stat”
set tempmonthfile “/usr/local/monthly.stat”
set prndest m21
#set prndest lp
# Script Defines
set monthlyran 0
set tottrans 0
set today [clock format [clock seconds] -format %Y%m%d]
set dayofmonth [clock format [clock seconds] -format %d]
set dailymin 120
set dailymax 0
set dailyruntot 0
set monmax 0
array set dailylist “”
set transparseerr 0
# Procs
proc load_statfile {filename} {
global dailylist
if {[file exists $filename] == 1} {
set file [open $filename r]
while {[gets $file line] >= 0} {
set recordlist [list [lindex $line 0] [lindex $line 1]]
set dailylist([lindex $recordlist 0]) [lindex $recordlist 1]
close $file
} else {
puts “No Stats file: $filename Found.”
proc save_statfile {filename} {
global dailylist
if {[file exists $filename] ==1} {
file copy -force “$filename” “$filename.bak”
set file [open $filename w 0666]
foreach key [lsort [array names dailylist]] {
puts $file [list $key $dailylist($key)]
close $file
# Monthly Code
if {$dayofmonth == 2} {
## Second day of month – Do the monthly output
set monthlyran 1
load_statfile $statfile
set prnfileid [open “$tempmonthfile” w 0666]
puts $prnfileid ” Terre Haute Medical Lab Inc. ”
puts $prnfileid ” Monthly Interface Statistics Report ”
puts $prnfileid ” ———————————– ”
puts $prnfileid ” Date: $today ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” This report provides a summary of the past month’s interface statistics. ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” Date Min (S) Max (S) Average (S) Number of Trans ”
puts $prnfileid ” ———- ——– ——– ———— —————– ”
foreach key [lsort [array names dailylist]] {
set min [lindex $dailylist($key) 0]
set max [lindex $dailylist($key) 2]
set avg [expr [lindex $dailylist($key) 4] / [lindex $dailylist($key) 5]]
set numtrans [lindex $dailylist($key) 5]
set tottrans [expr $tottrans + $numtrans]
puts $prnfileid ” $key $min $max $avg $numtrans ”
puts $prnfileid ” ———————- ”
puts $prnfileid ” Total: $tottrans ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” Written Comments: ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” Reviewed By:___________ ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” Date:___________ ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” This document replaces all daily reports for this month. Please destroy all ”
puts $prnfileid ” daily reports unless they contain written comments. ”
close $prnfileid
exec lp -d$prndest $tempmonthfile
# Cleanup for daily
unset dailylist
array set dailylist “”
# Daily Code
## Do the daily every day
set file [open “$rcvfile” r]
# Read lines from the file. Store if line after “rcv…”
while {[gets $file line] >= 0} {
if {[string equal $line “rcv…”] ==1} {
lappend linelist [gets $file]
close $file
# Process each line in the list
foreach line $linelist {
#Get time at start of line- This is the SCC time of receipt
set scctime [string range $line 0 7]
#Get the MSH7 field
set msh [lindex [split $line “|”] 6 ]
#Normalize the time so clock scan can read it
set mshtime “[string range $msh 8 9]:[string range $msh 10 11]”
#Calculate the number of seconds for this trans
if {[catch {set secdif [expr [clock scan $scctime] – [clock scan $mshtime]]}] != 0} {
puts “Parse Error: $line”
incr transparseerr
#If the trans spans midnight, you’ll get crazy times like -86347
# Makes the assumption of a minute if the time is crazy.
if {$secdif < 0} {set secdif 60}
#puts " secdif = $secdif"
#Store the minimum
if {$secdif < $dailymin} {
set dailymin $secdif
set dailyminline $line
#Store the maximum
if {$secdif > $dailymax} {
set dailymax $secdif
set dailymaxline $line
#Update the running total to calculate the mean later
set dailyruntot [expr $dailyruntot + $secdif]
set numtrans [llength $linelist]
if {$debug == 1} {
puts “$dailymin –> $dailyminline”
puts “$dailymax –> $dailymaxline”
puts “[expr $dailyruntot / [llength $linelist]]”
#Only load statfile if monthly did not run. Will overwrite!
if {$monthlyran != 1} {
load_statfile $statfile
#Compensate for parse errors
if {$transparseerr != 0} {
set numtrans [expr $numtrans – $transparseerr]
set dailylist($yesterday) [list $dailymin $dailyminline $dailymax $dailymaxline
$dailyruntot $numtrans]
if {$debug == 1} {
puts “[lindex $dailylist($yesterday) 0] –> [lindex $dailylist($yesterday) 5]”
save_statfile $statfile
set prnfileid [open “$tempdailyfile” w 0666]
puts $prnfileid ” Terre Haute Medical Lab Inc. ”
puts $prnfileid ” Daily Interface Statistics Report ”
puts $prnfileid ” ———————————– ”
puts $prnfileid ” Date: $today ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” This report provides an analysis summary of interface transaction time between ”
puts $prnfileid ” assembly of the HL7 transaction in the sending systems, and the receipt time ”
puts $prnfileid ” in the SCC LIS. ”
puts $prnfileid ” It must be understood that some sending systems can introduce considerable ”
puts $prnfileid ” delay in processing transactions as they do not send the transactions ”
puts $prnfileid ” immediatly after construction. Delays of 15 minutes or more are not unusual ”
puts $prnfileid ” for the APS Experior system. (MSH-4 Code A) It is for this reason that the ”
puts $prnfileid ” mean transaction transit time is calculated. ”
puts $prnfileid ” ================================================================================ ”
puts $prnfileid ” Date of Processing: $yesterday Number of Transactions Processed: [llength $linelist]”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” Minimum processing time: $dailymin Seconds Maximum processing time: $dailymax Seconds ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” Average of all processing times: [expr $dailyruntot / $numtrans] Seconds”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
if {$transparseerr != 0} {
puts $prnfileid ” Number of transaction parse errors: $transparseerr ”
puts $prnfileid ” Transaction parse errors are caused by some type of TCP/IP transmission ”
puts $prnfileid ” problem that results in a null message. These are ignored by the LIS, but may ”
puts $prnfileid ” be an indication of connection problems if they occur in large numbers. ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” Longest time to process was on transaction: ”
puts $prnfileid ” $dailymaxline ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” Written Comments: ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” Reviewed By:_________ ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” Date:_________ ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
puts $prnfileid ” ”
close $prnfileid
exec lp -d$prndest $tempdailyfile
# fin
This is specific to the SCC log file, but gives you an idea what we are doing.
Your mileage may vary.
Offer not valid in the states of FL and AK. 😀