Homepage › Clovertech Forums › Read Only Archives › Cloverleaf › Cloverleaf › Queued Trans from the Command Line › Re: Here’s one way
1. At the OS command line, invoke TCL.
2. then msiAttach
3. then msiGetStatSample threadname – where thread name is the SENDING thread
4. this will display the thread stats for all threads in the process that contain threadname. Within the statistics is a list of threads showing certain stats for each. One of the stats is “POSTXLTQD”. This will probably show what you are looking for.
5. If you do this regularly, you will probably want to develop a TCL proc. Here’s a sample – execute it from the AIX command line.
thrdname cern_pyx2_adt_ord
set threadkeys [msiGetStatSample $thrdname]
keylget threadkeys INTERTHREAD ikey
foreach tdata $ikey {
keylget tdata NAME tname
keylget tdata POSTXLTQD queued
if {![string equal $queued “0”]} {
echo $tname ” ” $queued
} }
Rich Durkee
Genesys Regional Medical Center
Gran Blanc, MI