Re: compile java class



    I’m trying to compile the you posted but I did not succeed.

    Can I compile a .java without defining a public static void main() ?

    Thanks for your help


    Osmand Christian wrote:


    Is there anyone on your team who can understand Java? It might be helpful to do the rest of the code but if not its ok, I will walk you through this.

    I am attaching a java file which will get you started. Place this code in the site’s java_uccs directory. I am assuming that you have java compiler on your Cloverleaf server. What machine are you using for Cloverleaf? Based on that you have to place this environment set up:

    On Unix: either export or setenv

    You can place this in .cshrc file. Example:

    setenv QDXI_CLASSPATH .:/opt/quovadx/qdx5.3/integrator/SiteName/java_uccs:

    The java class I am attaching is called “”. Compile the java class, please place the complied java class “Test.class” in the above directory and input the class name, which is “Test” on the TPS outbound. Make sure to select “Java class” instead of “tcl” in the TPS properties to input the name “Test”.

    Now you can test this and see your msg appear in the process log. Once you get this successful, all you have to do is identify how to talk to JMS. This I believe will not be too hard. If you have problem getting this done please let me know, I will walk you through.

    Java extension attachment is not allowed so I am copy pasting the java code. Please save below  as