I believe that the stop site command uses the pid file to kill the engine process.
If you are on Unix, you can issue a ‘ps’ command and then stop the process with the ‘kill’ command.
On the unix server, type something like
ps -ef | grep
ps -ef | grep top_prod_rp
hcimgr 13450 1 0 Apr 27 – 0:00 perl /hci/root3.5.5P/bin/hcienginewatch -p top_prod_rp —
hcimgr 32738 1 0 Apr 27 – 696:51 lm_ip -u 200 -a lm_root3.5.5P_top_prod_rp -z /hci/root3.5.5P/top_prod_rp/exec/databases/
he00387 56150 138970 0 11:09:29 pts/16 0:00 grep top_prod_rp
hcimgr 156954 13450 0 Apr 27 – 5196:33 /hci/root3.5.5P/bin/hciengine -p top_prod_rp
kill -TERM 156954