Yes. The NetConfig can be modified programatically. The easiest way I’ve found is to use the ‘net*’ commands. You can get a list of these commands by going into hcitcl and entering the following:
hcitcl>info commands net*
netcfgGetConnList netcfgModified netcfgIsConnInProcess netcfgGetGroupConns netcfgIsConnInGroup netcfgGetConnCount netcfgGetGroupList
netcfgGetProcData netcfgGetGroupCount netcfgLoad netcfgGetProcConns netconfig netcfgGetConnData netcfgGetProcList netcfgGetProcCoun
t netcfgGetVersion
I generally will do a complete rebuild of the NetConfig (prologue, process, protocol) if I make any changes via a script.
Feel free to shoot me an email if you have any questions.