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Noel Wallis

    I have successfully got my HTTPS interface with ClienAuth going, so I will add my findings just in case someone else hits the same problems.  Where I went wrong was that the arguments for httpQuery were wrong, you just need {MSGUSE DATA}.  Important steps are:

    1 : You need a Cloverleaf SSL license.

    2 : Set up your web browser (I used both Firefox and IE) with the appropriate certificates and ensure that you can connect to the HTTPS page.  You will find that Firefox, IE and Cloverleaf all use different format certificates, and I found that Openssl (free download) a useful tool for the various conversions.  For Cloverleaf I originally converted them all to .pem (and that worked) but .cer does work for the certificate file (I did not try the other combinations).

    3 : Setup Cloverleaf thread.  First off set thread up as GET to ensure that your certificates are correct,  if you successfully connect you will get back the web page in the log.  Ensure that you setup httpQuery with args {MSGUSE DATA} ! (as I discovered the GET works work fine without the argument but the POST and PUT won’t !).

    Once you get the GET working the rest is just a matter of changing around the setup to POST or whatever.  With mine I converted it to a POST and set it to message driven.