Thank you for the post.
I did check the process logs and err files.
I have broken pipe errors and yes, these are processes that have inbound connections from another site/process.
I didn’t have any files in $HCISITEDIR/exec/errors and my
$HCISITEDIR/exec/hcimonitord/hcimonitord.err file didn’t show any unusual errors. Just “normal errors” e.g:
06/12/2006 11:13:57 [cmd :cmd :WARN/0: hcimonitord] alerts client 0x20b98678
06/12/2006 11:13:57 [aler:aler:WARN/0: hcimonitord] Creating AlertAction: eocno
06/12/2006 11:13:57 [cmd :cmd :WARN/0: hcimonitord] eonotify client 0x20b98678
My limits fie has the following which should be ok for # of open files:
fsize = 2097151
core = 2097151
cpu = -1
data = 1572864
rss = 393216
stack = 393216
nofiles = 10000