Reply To: Unable to open up Gui/network monitor after failover

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Unable to open up Gui/network monitor after failover Reply To: Unable to open up Gui/network monitor after failover

Peter Heggie

    I think it was the hcisiteinit vs. hasiteinit that caused the problem of the error messages in ../server/logs/server.log. The code is different where they update the server.ini:



    $newPath = “$root/$newName”;

    $search = $newPath;
    $search =~ s//////g;
    $search =~ s/./\./g;
    $search =~ s/:/\:/g;

    $inistring = &getINIFile($serverini);
    $inistring =~ s/$search;//g;
    $inistring =~ s/environs=(.*)/environs=$newPath;$1/g;
    &putINIFile($serverini, $inistring);



    $newPath = “$ARGV[1]/$newName”;

    $search = $newPath;
    $search =~ s//////g;
    $search =~ s/./\./g;
    $search =~ s/:/\:/g;

    $inistring = &getINIFile($serverini);
    $inistring =~ s/$search;//g;
    $inistring =~ s/environs=(.*)/environs=$root/$newName;$1/g;
    #$inistring =~ s/environs=(.*)/environs=$newPath;$1/g;
    &putINIFile($serverini, $inistring);

    also, hasiteinit has extra code for the alert file, and I”m not sure if this could have messed up the monitor:


    # We need to fix the default alert file to look at the right $QUOVADX_INSTALL_DIR

    local ($alertFile) = “$root/$newName/Alerts/default.alrt”;

    rename(”$alertFile”, “$alertFile.old”);
    open (OLDALERT, “$alertFile”);
    while(   ) {
    print NEWALERT “$_n”;
    close (OLDALERT);
    close (NEWALERT);
    unlink (”$alertFile.old”);

    If I read this right, it is renaming the default.alrt file to a .old, and then creating a new file from the old file but using a different install path, whereever it is used. But I’m looking at our default.alrt files, and none of them specify the install directory..?? Does anyone know why this is necessary? Or if any configuration related to monitoring could be corrupted by the creation of a new site which is part of a failover?

    Peter Heggie