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II guess the first question I would ask is why you are doing this. The only time we do this is when we feel the xlate thread is starving the IB thread and want to move the xlate thread to a different process.
I don’t understand the arrow between B and C. You can certainly put a dummy route there for documentation purposes. Is this what you mean? If so and you have OB Msgs Only checked on C, the only thing B will see are the replies from C.
The interface between B and C should be exactly like an interface to an external vendor. The only difference is I normally return just a simple ACK from C and I set the timeout on B to a long time, usually 300 seconds.
The dummy route will not affect anything. Of course, throughput will not be the same over the internal TCP/IP connection but that is why we use this paradigm only when absolutely necessary.
I hope this helps