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You can create your own formatted message and echo it in your proc which effectively writes it to the log file. To get functionality similar to the info level you can pass an argument to turn logging statements on and off. I wish it was possible to find the current EO info level from within a UPoC so logging could become even more detailed and controllable without an engine bounce.
Example Code:
package require utilities
if {![keylget args ARGS.DEBUG debug]} { set debug “0” }
log_it2 “Module called from wrong CONTEXT in the engine.” 1
log_it “Didn’t find any files matching pattern ‘.in.${tmpObfile}’ in ${ftpobdir}.”
Package Library:
package provide utilities 1.2
proc log_it {msg {ovrde 0}} {
global HciConnName
upvar #1 module module mh mh debug debug
if {$debug || $ovrde} {
set mid [get_mid $mh]
set msg “[tcl :tcl :USER/9:[format %20s $HciConnName]] [$mid] Module ‘$module’: $msgr”
echo $msg
Sample Output:
[tcl :tcl :USER/9:adt_smrt_out_QA1A_04427_541] [0.0.320032] Module ‘tps_ob_upoc_ftp_gnrc’: Didn’t find any files matching pattern ‘PT1*’ in /mm03/data.
[tcl :tcl :USER/9:adt_smrt_out_QA1A_04427_541] [0.0.320032] Module ‘tps_ob_upoc_ftp_gnrc’: The file name ‘PT111177.04427’ already exists on the remote server!
[tcl :tcl :USER/9:adt_smrt_out_QA1A_04427_541] [0.0.320032] Module ‘tpsShowMode’: Protocol driver experienced an error. Re-queuing message for another attempt at delivery.
[tcl :tcl :USER/9:adt_smrt_out_QA1A_04427_541] [0.0.320032] Module ‘tpsShowMode’: Halting thread to allow protocol error time to resolve.