This issue was submitted to QDX Support. R&D responded that this is a known issue that will be corrected in version 5.4. If a user-1 is in an Integrator IDE site NWMonitor and another user-2 enters the same Integrator IDE site NWMonitor and breaks the user-1 lock, the next user to enter this Integrator IDE site NWMonitor will get a Java NullPointer Exception – Error connecting to Monitor Daemon. The IDE Monitor Daemon indicator is RED and all or the threads in the NWMonitor display as ‘dead’. A check of the site’s monitor daemon will show the pid still active. Apparently there is a lock file retained in the /integrator/qdx5.3/integrator/site/lock directory that causes the problem. Deleting the lock file does not help. Only cycling the Host Server seems to restore the offending NWMonitor to functionality.