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The -less entry does work on our system, but only when we use it to connect to the unnamed (default) instance of SQL server running on the box. The problem I am having is that I need to connect to a second instance named “test” that also runs on the box. I can’t figure out how configure the instance name in the ini file.
The best way I can explain is to constrast how query analyzer behaves.
In order to connect to the default unnamed instance using the query analyzer utility Microsoft provides, for the unnamed instance I just enter the server “myserver” as the SQL server in the “connect to SQL server” dialog. I then get a window with the title “Query – myserver.defaultdatabase.userid – Untitled” where I can enter and execute my SQL.
For the named instance “test” I can connect by using “myservertest” as the server name. In this case Query Analyzer lets me connect to the “test” instance on “myserver” using the test user ID and password. I then get a window with the title “Query – myservertest.testdefaultdatabase.testuserid – Untitled” where I can enter and execute my SQL on the test instance.
However, simply appending the instance name as “test” in the odbc.ini Address line doesn’t seem to work. I’ve also tried to express the “test” instance using “\test” and “.test” without any success.