Kathy – Possibly it’s an environment problem being encountered when running via cron. If I recall correctly, there were some changes to hcisetenv in Cloverleaf 5.x that were described in the release notes. We call the following when executing scripts via cron that need the 5.3 hci environment (note that the ‘sbin’ version of hcisetenv is being used):
eval $($HCIROOT/sbin/hcisetenv -root ksh $HCIROOT)
eval $($HCIROOT/sbin/hcisetenv -site ksh $siteName)
(where $HCIROOT and $siteName are defined earlier in the script)
To verify if it as environment problem, try running the hcicyclesavemsgs command manually from the command line when logged in as hci. If it works, then the problem is likely that cron isn’t getting the correct environment.
You might also want to confirm the location of the perl interpreter on you system using the ‘which’ command:
$ which perl