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Jim Kosloskey


    That is a pretty large SMAT file.

    I am assuming this is a Production SMAT file. If you are not already doing so, I would suggest setting up periodic cycling and archiving of your Production SMAT files. Set up the timing such that the SMAT files don’t get too large between cycles.

    If this is a Test/Development SMAT file, then either make a point to cycle the SMAT files periodically manually or set up some sort of scheduled cycling.

    Alternateively, it is possible to write a Tcl procedure to break a SMAT file up into smaller SMAT files.

    There is an intent by Quovadx to rearchitect the SMAT tool and hopefully this size issue will abate somewhat. But even if the size issues are corrected, it is probably not a good idea to allow SMAT file to grow that large.

    Jim Kosloskey

    email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.