Reply To: Thread config for OB non-HL7 messages

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Jim Kosloskey


    Will the receiving system want length encoding to delineate messages or some other mechanism (such as MLP)?

    If length encoding, then ust the TCP/IP protocol and set the length encoding characteristics appropriately.

    If some other mechanism, you may need a PDL (if MLP you already have a PDL).

    Will the receiving system be acknowledging receipt of each message? If so you will need to set up acknowlegment handling and you need to know some of the same things as with HL/7 messages such as how long you will wait for a reply.

    You say this is some sort of Query. In that case you may be getting a reply to acknowledge receipt of the query AND a response to the Query.

    Some systems do not acknowledge receipt of message for queries, simply respond to the query.

    If you expect a response to the query, you will need to know if that response is being returned over the same connection or another connection.

    Do you have to wait for the response before sending another query or can you continue sending queries and handle responses independently?

    You may need some procs depending on the answers to the above questions. Typically you would need procs to handle receipt of acknowledgement and resend if timeout  is specified and occurs but other procs may be necessary.

    Jim Kosloskey

    email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.