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The Db_Vista -940 says:
file in use
C errno = 13: Permission denied’
[pti :sign:WARN/0: fr_CT] Thread 17 received signal EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION:
The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.
[pti :sign:WARN/0: fr_CT] PC = 0xffffffff
The error occured last night while no one was here opening/closing files or databases…
And, it is the same thread that has the harmless read errors from the closing connection.
It was just running along, and boom… PANIC.
The thread does write to a file each time it receives a message, but I am not seeing any problem with that yet.
I am looking into the smat to see what was going through at that time in the evening.
Thank you,