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If your 3.8.1 sites are different than your upgraded 5.3 sites, you need to do a couple of things before bringing 5.3 up live. I’m assuming all your testing has been completed on the 5.3 sites. If this is true, then you can use any available utility to compare your old site directories with the new site directories. This could be done manually but I use a utility called UltraEdit-32 or ExamDiff Pro to do my directory compares. Any changed file will be indentified. Changes should be applied to the 5.3 tcl, xlate etc… to reflect the revision. You may want to retest the 5.3 site, depending on your comfort level of going live with untested changes in 5.3. I like to retest the site just to be sure. For more extensive site revisions, you may want to promote the entire site again and retest.