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My inbound thread is running the upoc protocol with a read TPS of get_FTP.
My TSP Inbound Data field has three procs:
raw_hl7_ack (probably don’t need this, I’m thinking)
The first one, tps_batch_envelope_ORMIS_chgs (listed below) should be replacing the characters we discussed, and putting on the batch and file headers and footers. It does appear to be replacing the characters and putting on the footers, but the FHS and BHS from this proc aren’t there, and neither is the MSH from tps_pre_HL7_batch.
Also curious:
1. other batches I’ve reviewed have x0a between every segment and message – no x0ds.
2. in tps_pre_HL7_batch, why the “^” in these lines:
set fhs [lsearch -regexp $msgs “^FHS”]
set msh_loc [lsearch -regexp $msgs “^MSH”]
Here’s the batch envelope proc:
run {
# ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
keylget args MSGID mh
set msg [msgget $mh]
# Get rid of all x1c and x0b
regsub -all — {[x1cx0b]} $msg {} msg
# Build envelope
set fhs “FHS|^~\&|||||||||r”
set bhs “BHS|^~\&|||||||||r”
set bts “BTS|||r”
set fts “FTS|1rn”
# Build batch
append newmsg1 $fhs $bhs $msg $bts $fts
#Replace two carriage returns with carriage return line feed
#Doing now because adding BHSr on front may result in rr again.
regsub -all — {rr} $newmsg1 “rn” newmsg2
# Pile it back on the train
msgset $mh $newmsg2
# Wash hands
lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”