Reply To: hcimonitord using more memory (5.3 rev3 on AIX 5.1)

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf hcimonitord using more memory (5.3 rev3 on AIX 5.1) Reply To: hcimonitord using more memory (5.3 rev3 on AIX 5.1)

Rob Abbott

    We are not aware of any memory leaks in monitord.  We ran several test cases with sites running for weeks with default alerts.  

    I would appreciate it if anyone upgrading to rev3 would keep an eye on this and let us know if you see monitord growing without bound.  Please include detailed o/s information when you post results.

    The last leak I am aware of was in the engine, fixed in (I believe) 5.3 rev1 and 5.2 rev2.  This leak would occur if you had cross-process routing going on, the message metadata would leak.  Normally not a lot of memory so this would take a while to be noticed.

    Rob Abbott
    Cloverleaf Emeritus