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I have written TCL programs outside the engine to use this ftp package.
Here is some code that I use to connect to a client site (of course use at your own risk):
package require FTP 1.2
proc main { } {
puts “Job started at [clock format [getclock]]”
puts “”
set addresses “group”
set host [hostname]
if { $host == “test_system” } {
set server “”
set local_out “/clients//OUTBOUND/”
set local_inb “/clients/ /INBUILD/”
set local_in “/clients/ /INBOUND/”
set local_arch “/clients/ /ARCHIVE/”
set build “/” ;# building place on
# remote system
set inbound “/INBOUNDT/” ;# inbound dir on remote
set archive_in “/Archive/” ;# archive dir on remote
set archive_out “/Archive/” ;# archive dir on remote
set outbound “/OUTBOUNDT/” ;# outbound dir on remote
set user “”
set passwd “”
} elseif { $host == “prod_system” } {
set server “”
set local_out “/clients//OUTBOUND”
set local_inb “/clients/ /INBUILD”
set local_in “/clients/ /INBOUND”
set local_arch “/clients/ /ARCHIVE/”
set build “” ;# building place on
# remote system
set inbound “” ;# inbound dir on remote
set archive_in “” ;# archive dir on remote
set archive_out “” ;# archive dir on remote
set outbound “” ;# outbound dir on remote
set user “”
set passwd “”
if { $host == “” } {
set subject “No host set to go to …. exiting.”
puts $subject
set err [error_mail $subject $addresses $subject]
# open a new connection
if {[set conn [FTP::Open $server $user $passwd -progress Progress]] == -1} {
set subject “Connection refused to $server”
puts $subject
set err [error_mail $subject $addresses $subject]
cd $local_out
set return [FTP::Type ascii]
set locallist [readdir [exec pwd]]
set return [FTP::Cd $build] ;# go to where we send the initial file
if { $return == 0 } {
set subject “Can not change directory to $build”
puts $subject
set err [error_mail $subject $addresses $subject]
foreach file $locallist {
if { [file isdirectory $file] } { continue }
sleep 1
set return [FTP::Put $file]
if { $return == 0 } {
set subject “PUT of file – $file – failed!”
puts $subject
set err [error_mail $subject $addresses $subject]
set to “$inbound$file”
set return [FTP::Rename $file $to]
if { $return == 0 } {
set subject “Rename of file – $file – to — $to – failed!”
puts $subject
set err [error_mail $subject $addresses $subject]
set newfile “$local_arch$file”
set err [file rename -force $file $newfile] ;# mv file to archive
} ;# end of foreach file $locallist
################ go and get files from the system #################
set return [FTP::Cd $outbound]
if { $return == 0 } {
set subject “Can not change directory to $outbound”
puts $subject
set err [error_mail $subject $addresses $subject]
cd $local_inb
foreach file [FTP::NList $outbound] {
puts “file == $filen”
set tmpfile [lindex [split $file ;] 0]
set outext [file extension $tmpfile]
set short [lindex [split $file ] ] 1]
set return [FTP::Get $file $short]
if { $return == 0 } {
set subject “GET of file – $file – failed!”
puts $subject
set err [error_mail $subject $addresses $subject]
set to “$archive_out$file”
set return [FTP::Rename $file $to]
if { $return == 0 } {
set subject “Rename of file – $file – to — $to – failed!”
puts $subject
set err [error_mail $subject $addresses $subject]
set final “$local_in$file”
regsub “;” $final “_” final
set err [file rename -force $file $final]
} ;# end of foreach file [FTP::NList $outbound]
# close connection
puts “”
puts “Job completed SUCCESSFULLY at [clock format [getclock]]”
puts “”
} ;# end of proc main
# define callback
proc Progress {total} {
puts “$total bytes transfered!”
proc error_mail { subject addresses error_text } {
puts “calling error_mail”
global error_flag
set host [exec hostname]
exec /bin/mail $addresses << "From: FTP_put_get_for_IBT
To: $addresses
From: FTP_put_get_for_IBT
Subject: $subject
host $host, please check!
happened at [exec date]
} ;# end of proc error_mail
set err [main]
if { $err == 1 } {
puts "errored out"
Hope this gives you some ideas.