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The script uses a table to review the event and make a determination. This way if you ever need to add another event just add it to the table and be done with it, no code changes required.
## Purpose: kill all messages other than those specfied in the arg list
## UPoC type: tps
## Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:
## MODE run mode (“start”, “run” or “test”)
## MSGID message handle
## ARGS user-supplied arguments:
## DEBUG: determines weather we recieve all of the echo commands.
## Use this syntax for new echo statemtents: if {[debug == 1]} {
#echo “DEBUG($myprocName) -MESSAGE “}
## Returns: tps disposition list:
##Written By: Brian Goad
##Date: 4 August 2003
proc event_type_filter { args } {
keylget args MODE mode ;# Fetch mode
#global HciConnName
global env HciConnName
switch -exact — $mode {
start {
# Perform special init functions
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
#echo info procs
run {
# ‘run’ mode always has a MSGID; fetch and process it
keylget args MSGID mh
keylget args ARGS.DEBUG debug
#process variables
#get the proc name from the info array!!!
set myprocName [lindex [info level 0] 0]
#The following command returns the process name!!!!!
#set myprocessName [file tail [pwd]]
#set myprocName event_type.tcl
# get contents of message
set msgtext [msgget $mh]
# get field delimiter
set field_delim [cindex $msgtext 3]
set field_sub_delim [cindex $msgtext 4]
#get MSH segment and pull out MSH:8.1 (A01, A02, A03, ….)
set segments [split $msgtext “r”]
set msh [lindex $segments 0]
set msh_fields [split $msh $field_delim]
set msh_8 [lindex $msh_fields 8]
set qid [lindex $msh_fields 9]
set msh_field_8 [split $msh_8 $field_sub_delim];
set msh_8_1 [lindex $msh_field_8 1]
if {$debug == 1} {
echo “DEBUG DATA****************************************************”
echo “DEBUG($myprocName) – Complete Field: $msh_field_8”
echo “DEBUG($myprocName) – SubField: $msh_8_1”
#echo “msh_field_8 $msh_field_8”
#echo “msh_8_1: $msh_8_1”
set table_name “events_$HciConnName”
# compare MSH(8.1) with each arg list element to determine if we need to forward
#echo “table_name: $table_name”
set filter_result [tbllookup $table_name $msh_8_1]
#echo “filter_result: $filter_result”
if {[cequal $filter_result “KILL”] || [cequal $filter_result “”] } {
if {$debug == 1} {
echo “DEBUG($myprocName) – Message: $msh”; # Debugging Info
echo “DEBUG($myprocName) – Lookup Table Name: $table_name”; # Debugging Info
echo “DEBUG($myprocName) – Table Result: $filter_result”; # Debugging Info
echo “DEBUG DATA****************************************************”
echo “$myprocName: $msh_8_1 with QID: $qid has been filtered for $HciConnName”
return “{KILL $mh}”
} else {
#echo “Continue”
#echo “MSH_8 Doesn’t meet Kill Criteria: Sending $msh”
if {$debug == 1} {
echo “DEBUG($myprocName) – $msh_8_1 with QID: $qid was not filtered for $HciConnName”
echo “DEBUG($myprocName) – Message: $msh”
echo “DEBUG($myprocName) – Lookup Table Name: $table_name”; # Debugging Info
echo “DEBUG($myprocName) – Table Result: $filter_result”; # Debugging Info
echo “DEBUG DATA****************************************************”
return “{CONTINUE $mh}”
shutdown {
# Doing some clean-up work
set datetime [clock format [clock seconds] -format “%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S”]
echo “Shutdown event_type_filter.tcl at $datetime”
time {
# Timer-based processing
# N.B.: there may or may not be a MSGID key in args
default {
error “Unknown mode ‘$mode’ in event_type_filter.tcl”