For interest sake and a place to start there is some Cloverleaf code out there that loads the NetConfig file into arrays in TCL. Like any of the Cloverleaf undocumented TCL procs you use it at your own risk, we don’t promise not to change anything.
The command is nfLoad and it takes several arguments that become array variables. You can find the code in /tcl/lib/cloverleaf/netData.tlib
Here’s a usage snippet:
global HciSiteDir
set fsNetconfig [file join $HciSiteDir NetConfig]
nfLoad $fsNetconfig aProcData aConnData aXltData klPrologue
set procNames [array names aProcData]
# get the process data for the first process in the list
set procData [array get aProcData [lindex $procNames 0]]