Reply To: Problems with msiAttach.

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Problems with msiAttach. Reply To: Problems with msiAttach.

John Mercogliano

    Jim thanks for the reply, I plan on placing a call with quovadx.  The problem I’m experiencing is that only when I start a site, it appears that qdx is ignoring the catch command and I’m seeing the error in the log. Also, if I don’t try and run the msiAttach, none of the other msi commands work.  The error would not be so bad but when msiAttach errors on startup, it changes the HciConnName for the connection to hcitcl, so I’m concerned with what else it could be corrupting.  This also appears to be a per process problem and not a connection problem as I can attatch this tps to multiple connections and only the first time it is run does the error and connection name change happen.

    Thanks again

    John Mercogliano
    Sentara Healthcare
    Hampton Roads, VA