Reply To: How to compare dates in a IF statement in an Xlate

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Brian Goad


    How would you compare the PV1:45 (Discahrge Date) to the current system date? Could this be done in an if statement?

    I would think you would have to get the current clock time and convert that to format you want before doing your comparison.

    Maybe something like this???

    #get the system time in seconds

    set curTime [clock seconds ]

    # change the format of the time to YYYYMMDD

    set newTime [clock format $curTime  -format {%Y%m%d}]

    # this function gets the difference

    set difference [expr {$newTime – $PV1_45}]

    # setting the format to days only

    set fmt “%d”

    #reducing the difference to days

    set curDif [clock format $difference -format $fmt]

    #If the message was discharged more than 10 days ago

    if {$curDiff < 10} Do what ever I have not tested this and am not sure it would work.  Also there may be a short way to make this happen. Brian