Reply To: Generating NTE segments based on the value of OBX|3

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Generating NTE segments based on the value of OBX|3 Reply To: Generating NTE segments based on the value of OBX|3

Rentian Huang


    try putting a CALL under an ITERATE on the group level.

    hope this helps!

    Sam  8)

    ITERATE: OBX  %g1

    IF: IF OBX-3 eq “FT”


    set OBX5 [datget [xpmfetch $xlateId 1(0).1(0).1(%g1).OBX(0).00573] VALUE]

    if {[string length $OBX5] > 80} {

    set pos 0 ;# reset position

    while {$pos < [string length $OBX5]} { xpmstore $xlateId {1(0).1(0).1(%g1).NTE(0).00098} c [string range $OBX5 $pos [expr $pos + 80]] incr pos 80 } } else { xpmstore $xlateId {1(0).1(0).1(%g1).NTE(0).00098} c $OBX5 }