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    Not sure if there are that many out there that receive the “Business Integration Journal” ( but there is an interesting article by one of the columnists.  Here are some quotes from an article titled “XML Effeciency” in the May 2005 issue.

    I think that he’s chiding the XML industry for arguing about things rather than making changes that would be helpful.  But in doing this he reveals some interesting things about XML.

    “A case in point is the painfully slow progress on XML effeciency.  As anyone who has used it in real applications knows, XML is verbose.  XML chews up network bandwidth as if it were IT’s free lunch.  That characteristic makes it of doubtful value for any application in which large amounts of data are exchanged or high transaction rates are necessary.”

    Read the entire article:

    Please don’t take this out of context, XML is useful for many things.  This doesn’t mean that XML is bad or evil somehow.  It just means that it has it’s place.  And just like with any interface, if you’ve got the hardware for it, great.

    I invite anyone who wants to discuss XML to do so.  As you know HL7 is trying to release an XML version and Cloverleaf will support it.  Anyone getting any projects to do XML?